Benoit Systemes des motorisations pour fauteuils roulants manuels
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Light Drive 2.1 and Light Assist 2.1

  Effective January 2021, LIGHT DRIVE ² & LIGHT ASSIST ² become LIGHT DRIVE 2.1 & LIGHT ASSIST 2.1.  
  Overall design becomes sharper with universal grey hooks and black color for the central unit and anti-tip foot.  
    Discover our new range of 15 colors for the central tube!    
  Couleurs du tube central  
  Here are the improvements we have brought to our light-weight power add-ons in order to make them even more convenient and easy to use.  
Schema numero 2
  We have added a slight bend and extra springiness to the hook plates to improve the contact between the motor roller and the wheel. Thanks to this, motor rollers will maintain the optimal pressure on the wheels in case of possible tire deflation. It is still essential to maintain correct tyre pressure at all times.  
Dessin accroche
Schema numero 2